Sunday, October 1, 2017

Focus on the Swedish Royals

 Photo: Jonas Ekströmer, The Royal Court, Sweden
The royal family of Sweden is one of the most active and visible around the world. In some monarchies, we don't get to see much of the whole family. In Sweden, however, the whole family is very active and publicly accessible, even the little babes. Plus, in recent years, there always seems to be another baby on the way! It's no wonder then that there are numerous blogs dedicated to this beautiful, happy and growing family.

Bernadotte Windsor
"A blog dedicated to the Swedish and British Royal Families. You'll occasionally find posts about other Royals though."

"A blog about the royal family of Sweden!"

The Princess Family
"A blog dedicated to the Princess Family of Sweden - Madeleine, Christopher, Leonore, Nicolas and Baby Sunshine!"

Swedish Monarchy
"I've been a royalwatcher ever since I can remember. This blog is dedicated to the Swedish Royal Family."

Swedish Princesses (Polish)

"W styczniu 2014 roku założyła swojego pierwszego bloga o szwedzkiej księżniczce, który rok późnej przekształciła w Swedish Princesses Blog."

Swedish Royal Fashion

"I am an avid fan of the Swedish Royals and love the scavenger hunt of identifying Royal Clothing."

Swedish Royal House Mafia

"Welcome to Swedish Royal House Mafia! Created in February 2013, we were the first tumblr blog dedicated entirely to the much loved Swedish Royal Family."

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