Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Media Loves Bloggers

When the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge went on their first tour of Canada, the media sometimes got a little help from our intrepid royal bloggers. For instance:

The Globe and Mail cited the 'canny' insight of The Royal Order of Splendor and gave props to the unofficial tweets of @KateWilliam2011. View the story.

Catherine's wardrobe continued to garner attention and so did Catherine fashion experts @katepippastyle and @whatkatewore, who were both mentioned in The London Telegraph's coverage of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's tour of Canada. View the story.

In other blogger-media news, blogger and author Victoria Martinez (@tvmartinez) was interviewed on Blog Talk Radio's "Another Cup of Coffee and a Good Book" about her book, "An Unusual Journey Through Royal History," in July. Listen to the interview.


  1. Thank you for including me, I am flattered to be among such an illustrious group! Sending wishes that you have beautiful holidays, "meeting you" online has been one of this year's delights!
